Chairman's Desk

“Education is drawing out the best in man – mind, soul and spirit, it implies the development of the Head, Heart and Hand. The main function of education is to guard the social heritage and educational values. For this the educators should carry out their ethical responsibilities. Therefore Teacher Education courses should aim at  training of the body, mind and spirit.


Keeping in view these factors, our college aim is to develop the spirit of an individual to take the real world issues and the potential to transform them into teachers of tomorrow. Our endeavour is not only to make them good teachers but also to make them better individuals and citizens, thereby sharing the responsibilities of building strong pillars of the nation.


An educational institute is not just about bricks, concrete and walls, but about building personality, enriching minds and about new experiences that lasts a lifetime.Having said that Life is not a set of instructions but is a series of experiences and learning process. This is where We steps in – to make a difference and where learning is not just series of instructions but an enthusiasm, which goes beyond books, instructions, and learning horizons. I believe that along with professional knowledge and skill, the most important is professional attitude. Here is an institute which makes sincere efforts to inculcate that attitude among its students, in their crucial formative years during which their personality development takes a definite shape. Together, we aim to develop competent, committed and efficient teachers in our college by imparting quality teacher education.


The learning atmosphere in the institution helps the student to enrich by an array of academic, co-curricular and curricular inputs in the form of core practice teaching simulation teaching, seminar, tutorials, workshops, research project link Internship ICT training etc. The main objective of education i.e. all round development of student’s personality has to be hazardously achieved through the excellent institutional infrastructural and technical facilities by the eligible and efficient staff members.